Alireza Niknam
رتبه : 5300
گزارش عملکرد:
08/2016 – 08/2020 BA: Urmia University: Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Art
GPA: 3.47
08/2021 – 07/2024 MSc: Izmir Institution of Technology: Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban and
Regional Planning
Urban Planning
Thesis: The Patterns and Motivations of Counterurbanization During COVID-19 in Urmia
GPA: 3.62
Niknam Khajepasha, A., Gkartzios, M. 2024. “Spatial analysis of regional income inequality in EU countries.” Journal of International Planning Studies: 1-19.
Niknam Khajepasha, A., Gkartzios, M. “The patterns and motivations pf counterurbanization in Urmia during COVID-19.” In progress.
Niknam Khajepasha, A., Duvarci, Y., Yamamoto, T. “The short-cut method for estimating mode split for urban areas: A case study for the new hypothetical PRT mode.” In progress.
Niknam Khajepasha, A. “Feasibility assessment and organization of the Extension of Sardaran St. 2 to Bakri St. with the approach of reducing urban traffic.” Archive of Urmia University. Funded by: Urmia University.
"Through collaborative urban design and planning, Re-Value makes the urban transition to climate neutrality irresistible." Project coordinator: Prof Koray Velibeyoglu.
Academic teaching contributions
0.1/2023 – 07/ 2023 Module: Housing Matters, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
0.1/2022 – 07 / 2022 Module: Planning Theory, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey
0.1/2018 _ 07/2018 Module: Research Methodology in Urbanism, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
0.1/2017 _ 07/2017 Module: Urban Economics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Professional training contributions
06/2019 - 10/2020 Arc GIS, Iran’s Organization for Technical Skills Training, Iran
03/ 2016 – 03/ 2016 Workshop on Ethnic and Nowrouz at the National Museum of Iran in Tehran
08/2017- 08/2017 Workshop on Handmade Dolls Exhibition & to conduct a specialized seminar at El-Goli
09/2014-09/2014 Holding grasp festival at Urmia’s Chichest
· Certificate of attendance in Smart Moving Cities Seminar (run by Mobility) & certificate of successful completion of workshop on planning the new tourism region in Tehran, held in 2017, Tarbiat Modares University.
· Certificate of successful completion of SDG workshop in 2017 in the United Nations embassy in Tehran, on how these goals affect the Iranian government policies.
· Certificate of successful completion of “Photography Techniques: Light, Content, and Sharing” in 2022, Coursera, Michigan State University.
· Certificate of successful completion of “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” in 2021, Coursera, University of Michigan.