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پارس‌کدرز خریداران یا کارفرمایان را به مجری‌ها /فریلنسرهای خبره‌ای متصل می‌کند که برای انجام پروژه آماده هستند.

Machine Learning_AI Engineer

چهار ماه پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 121

کد پروژه: 519352

شرح پروژه

Project Title: Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing Equipment
Project Overview
The Predictive Maintenance project aims to leverage machine learning techniques to predict equipment failures before they occur, thereby minimizing downtime and optimizing maintenance schedules. By analyzing historical data from various sensors and maintenance logs, the system will identify patterns and anomalies that precede equipment failures.

Develop a predictive model to forecast equipment malfunctions.
Implement a real-time monitoring system to track equipment health.
Generate actionable insights for maintenance scheduling and resource allocation.
Key Components
Data Collection and Preprocessing

Gather historical sensor data (temperature, vibration, pressure, etc.) and maintenance records.
Clean and preprocess the data to handle missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies.
Perform feature engineering to extract relevant features that enhance model performance.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Conduct EDA to understand the data distribution, identify correlations, and uncover hidden patterns.
Visualize data trends and relationships using tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn.
Model Development

Evaluate various machine learning algorithms (e.g., Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, Neural Networks) for predicting equipment failure.
Train models using historical data and validate their performance with cross-validation techniques.
Select the best-performing model based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
Real-time Monitoring System

Integrate the predictive model with a real-time monitoring system to continuously analyze incoming sensor data.
Develop a user interface for displaying equipment health status and predicted failure alerts.
Deployment and Monitoring

Deploy the model and monitoring system in a production environment.
Implement continuous monitoring to ensure model performance and update the model as needed based on new data.
Reporting and Documentation

Create comprehensive documentation of the model development process, including data sources, preprocessing steps, model selection criteria, and evaluation metrics.
Generate reports and dashboards to communicate insights and recommendations to stakeholders.
Technologies Used
Data Handling: Python, Pandas, NumPy
Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras
Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly
Real-time Monitoring: Flask/Django, JavaScript, React
Deployment: Docker, AWS/GCP/Azure
Expected Outcomes
A reliable predictive maintenance model with high accuracy and low false positives.
Reduced equipment downtime and maintenance costs through proactive scheduling.
Enhanced operational efficiency and resource management.

مهارت ها و تخصص های مورد نیاز

مهلت برای انجام


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درباره کارفرما

عضویت چهار ماه پیش

1 پروژه ثبت شده ،
0 پروژه در حال انجام ،
0 پروژه آماده دریافت پیشنهاد ،
نرخ پذیرش پیشنهاد 0%

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روش کار در پارس‌کدرز

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مهارت‌ها و تخصص‌های خود را ثبت کنید، رزومه و نمونه‌کارهای خود را نشان دهید و سوابق کاری خود را شرح دهید.

به شیوه‌ای که دوست دارید کار کنید

برای پروژه‌های دلخواه در زمان دلخواه پیشنهاد قیمت خود را ثبت کنید و به فرصت‌های شغلی منحصر به فرد دسترسی پیدا کنید.

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از زمان شروع کار تا انتهای کار به امنیت مالی شما کمک خواهیم کرد. وجه پروژه را از ابتدای کار به امانت در سایت نگه خواهیم داشت تا تضمین شودکه بعد از تحویل کار دستمزد شما پرداخت خواهد شد.

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