از پارسکدرز بیشترین بهره را ببرید و رویای کاری خود را زندگی کنید.
یازده ماه پیش منتشر شده
تعداد بازدید: 129
کد پروژه: 478961
شرح پروژه
من یه کار کلاسی داشتم برای استاتا داشتم
=میخواستم بدونم انجام میدید؟ و در چه زمانی؟ و هزینهاش چقدر میشه؟🙏🏻
You are required to obtain a survey dataset with at least 100 observations, and the variables should be measured in different levels. You use the dataset in Stata to conduct descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and linear regression. You need to create journal format tables to present and interpret the analysis results.
Please address each of the following questions using a Stata data set, a Stata syntax file (do file), and the output (log file) that results from analyzing the data with this syntax. Fill your answers to the questions below as if you were writing the corresponding paragraphs of the methodology section for your research manuscript. Please keep the questions in the answer sheet. Then submit your syntax (do file), output (log file), and the completed answer sheet to the Canvas system.
You should read through all the questions below before you try to answer them.
1. Please introduce your research question that you try to address via linear regression (OLS), briefly present your theoretical model with the outcome variable and a set of independent variables. Note: Your outcome variable should be measured at the interval level. At least one of the independent variables should be measured at the interval level, while you include ordinal level and dichotomous independent variables.
2. Describe the dataset you are using in terms of data sources, approach of data collection, the year of data collection, sample size, and other relevant information.
3. Please report how each of the variables in your model is measured, except the index variable that you will address in the next 2 questions. For categorical level variables, please specify the levels or categories in the report. For interval level variables, please include measurement units.
4. Please identify a set of survey items (at least 4) to conduct principal factor analysis. 1) Present the specific survey items with their measurement scales. 2) Using Stata program to conduct principal factor analysis (this should be reflected in your do file and log file. Please do not copy and paste the factor analysis results into this answer sheet). 3) Report how many factors can be extracted from the factor analysis. And 4) report the survey items with loadings higher than 0.5 for the factor.
5. Based on the factor analysis results in Question 4, construct an index variable. 1) Please use Stata program to conduct Cronbach’s alpha test, construct the index variable, and label this index variable (this should be reflected in your do file and log file. Please do not copy and paste the results into this answer sheet). 2) Report how this index variable is measured and the measurement reliability.
6. Create journal format tables of descriptive statistics for your variables, using only the final sample of this research. If they are interval level variables or index variables, present their sample means, standard deviations, minimum, and maximum. If they are categorical variables, report the frequency distribution with percent. Please make the tables neat and nice as if you did it for a journal article. DO NOT copy and paste from Stata outputs. You don’t need to interpret the table here, but you should make sure that all the values appear reasonable.
7. Please use Stata to estimate an OLS model of the outcome variable (interval level) on the independent variables, and then present a journal-format table of the OLS results with the following information: coefficients in columns (standard errors in parentheses), significance level indicated by asterisks, and model fit statistics (adjusted R square, global F score and p value, and sample size) in bottom rows.
8. Interpret the coefficients of one interval level independent variable of your choice. Be sure to explain what the coefficient actually means as well as the significance of the positive or negative effect.
9. Please report the model fit of the OLS regression (the adjusted R square and whether the model is significant according to the global F test).
10. Please discuss limitations of the methodology in this research.
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