پارس‌کدرز چگونه کار می‌کند؟

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پارس‌کدرز خریداران یا کارفرمایان را به مجری‌ها /فریلنسرهای خبره‌ای متصل می‌کند که برای انجام پروژه آماده هستند.

اصلاح کامنتهای داوری مقاله مکانیک تبدیل انرژی

یک سال پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 199

کد پروژه: 387973

شرح پروژه

سلام.  یک مقاله مهندسی مکانیک گرایش تبدیل انرژی برای یک ژورنال scopus ارسال شده کامنتهای داورها رو اینجا آوردم.  

لطفا بفرمایید هزینه ویرایش کل کار طبق کامنتهای داورها چقدر میشه:

تبدیل انرژی هاشمپور:


Reviewer #1:

1) Authors should carefully revise and corrected all the grammatical issues and follow the scientific norms in the whole manuscript

2)Please add original figures XRD about Cerium Oxide-CuO-MWCNT

, meanwhile, these figures are of very low quality.

3)  Please add particle size analysis in this paper, since it's very important for this material.

4) Please use updated and recent papers in the literature review to give more sense to the reader.

5) Conclusions could be more specific and to the point, I would suggest looking and thinking about them.

6) Please more elaborate on the novel aspect of your work at the end of the introduction.

7) A detailed abbreviations section should be updated.

8) Results and discussion section must explain with more reviews or findings, such as the significance

of work, finding of results, choice of materials, and their validations. The second point I would like to raise is that a critical discussion with state-of-the-art literature after the presentation and discussion of your results is missing. There, you should show the advantages of your work, the advances to the field according to your work, the advantages of your work, and the scientific benefit for the community before the conclusion section.

Reviewer #2:

1. Author may find the following studies useful for the quality of the literature review.






2. Abbreviations are used without giving long forms. please include the table or list of abbreviations.

3. Manuscript is full of typographic mistakes. e.g. Page 13, fig//8 written, thermodynamic Tables [].

4. Technical discussion is missing about various graphs. only data reported from the graphs.

5. Many graphs are included in figure 32. But in the caption of figure 32, A description of these graphs is missing.   

6. Why Table 7 has dotted lines?

7.  figure 22 to 24 have no detailed discussion about the results?


Sincerely Yours,

Davood Toghraie,

Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion),

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad

University, Khomeinishahr, Iran.

Web page: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Oj3np0wAAAAJ&hl=en

Web page: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=36807246100

International Advisory Board of Thermal Science-

ISSN 0354-9836 (printed edition)


Editorial Board of  Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing


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